A TITAN Boost for Your Berger

TITAN could improve quality, slash maintenance costs and increase uptime. It's time to upgrade your Berger to TITAN.

Blast wheels may not be your focus, but you'll notice if there is an issue. With a superior upgrade to TITAN, you'll notice a difference to performance and ultimately, your bottom line.


With advances in technology, the Berger blast wheel is no longer fit for purpose. You might start to notice that: 

➡️Your business's goals for sustainable processes is limited. 

➡️ Lifetime of blades is not sufficient.

➡️ Maintenance time is too high. 

➡️ Blast pattern is not optimal. 

You could have bottlenecks in production resulting in delayed deliveries to customers and increases to your costs.


With the very latest advancements in blast wheel technology, the TITAN TESTwheels: 

➡️ Could help you get ahead for CSRD

➡️ Can assist with eliminating wastage  

➡️ Aide in a more efficient and cost effective production line

TITAN blast wheels are made from hardened tool steel, and are designed for maximum uptime - significantly reducing maintenance time with exceptional blast results. With the plug-in and turntable blades of the TITAN, there is less maintenance. With this, comes reduced noise and wear characteristics. 


Upgrading to the next-generation blast wheel, using state of the art technology, the TITAN can significantly improve production time by reducing the down time from maintenance. In addition, you can benefit from reduced energy, improved quality and decreased noise.

 20% Electricity savings 


TITAN’s direct drive reduces energy consumption by 20%* - the motor power is lost in the friction of the belt drive. This portion can be used to accelerate the media on the directly driven TITAN 

The result: greater cost efficiency, decreased noise levels and lower maintenance due to the elimination of maintenance and replacement of belts and bearings.

*20% electricity savings average



 Improve quality | Wheelabrator


Berger are single-disc and attached with additional parts. This results in a higher potential for abrasive drifting out of the core assembly, causing wear and diluting blast results.

 This means a higher replacement rate and a chance of poorer quality. 

TITAN’s double-disc design keeps abrasive on course and significantly reduces the blade change times.


TITAN Upgrade increased productivity


Hardened tool steel has a significantly longer life time than cast material. Example of typical  life times:

Berger (cast iron): approx. 300 hours

TITAN (tool steel): approx. 1000 - 2000 hours

*TITAN may be unsuitable for sand applications. 



Our Automotive Customer Improves Performance with TITAN

Our customer, a global lead in the automotive sector, specialize in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of technologies for electric, hybrid, and internal combustion vehicles. With the introduction of TITAN, their performance significantly improved!

To ensure our customer maintains their global leader status in the automotive industry, the company understands the requirement to ensure it is at the forefront of technological advances. With the assistance of Wheelabrator's modernization project, our customer upgraded their Berger blast wheel to TITAN. 

This resulted in a variety of improvements such as performance increase of 30% and significant time savings.  

✅ The result: quicker, more cost effective production. 

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Ready to Upgrade?

Now is the time to get in touch and enjoy longer stretches of uninterrupted production with TITAN!

Contact us today, to find out more or to get your new blades straightaway.

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