Wheelabrator provides solutions for each processing step for the cleaning and coating of transformers of all sizes.
A typical treatment process includes:
- Degreasing by high pressure cleaning
- Phosphating using spraying devices
- Blast cleaning and activating in manual or automatic air blastrooms or wheel blast machines
- Paint or powder coating in manual or automatic paint and powder coating machines
- Paint or powder drying and/or baking in dryers and/or baking ovens
- Besides these individual solutions Wheelabrator can provide a complete solution incorporating both the treatment and materials handling processes.
Materials handling/workpiece transportation is achieved using manual overhead rails or complete Power and Free systems, or, as an alternative, floor conveyor systems can also be used. The machine concepts take into consideration the use of resources and are ergonomically designed.
For more information, please contact us.

Work Car Blast Machine
The Wheelabrator work car is a fully automated system designed to descale and remove rust and scale from custom fabrications.