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Architectural Metallic Finishes

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Architectural Shot Peen Finishing

Structural and cladding steel can be shot peened or blasted to create a wide variety of attractive finishes.

Architectural shot peen finishing is now the preferred solution for the cosmetic finishing of stainless steel cladding, skirtings, doors and in many cases hand rails on underground and mainline railway stations.


Subcontract Peening Services from Wheelabrator

Wheelabrator Impact Finishers provides a full range of modern non ferrous ceramic and glass bead peened finishes on stainless steel and aluminium.

The range of shot peened finishes known as ‘Peen Plus’ is complimented by a handy presentation pack of swatch samples ideal for architects and fabricators’ libraries.

The Peen Plus range of finishes is ideal for heavy pedestrian traffic areas and offers the following outstanding benefits:

  • A pleasing contemporary, aesthetic look
  • Low reflectivity
  • Completely non ferrous process resulting in no rust spots or inclusions
  • Very consistent dimpled finish
  • Increased surface hardness of the material
  • Harder to scratch surface
  • Increased resilience to anti social behaviour and graffiti
  • No need for additional, expensive-to-maintain coatings
  • Lifetime finish
  • Proven track record of the application 

The architectural finishes are achieved utilising fully automated equipment manufactured by our own company ensuring a consistent and repeatable finish even on large surface finishing projects. 

The PeenPlus steel finish can be seen at many London Underground stations. In these instances, Impact Finishers provided a subcontract service utilising Wheelabrator blast technologies. 

Contact Impact Finishers for subcontract services, or contact Wheelabrator for machine-type information.

Wheelabrator Impact Finishers

Subcontract shot peening services

Wheelabrator Subcontract Services