Rotary chamber blast machines
The essential component of a Rotary Chamber blast machine are the 3 or 4 chambers for simultaneous loading, unloading and blast cleaning. This saves time and increases productivity with a superior production quality.
These machines can be combined with robots for automatic loading and unloading of workpieces. Simple manual handling is also possible. The compact and space-saving machine design offers the integration into an existing production line as well as numerous possibilities for intelligent concepts.
The chambers rotate with the predetermined cycle time and ensure a uniform treatment of the workpieces without impact damage or blasting shadow.
Our Carousel Rotary Chamber blast machine was specially designed for crank shafts in various sizes. The machines are also used for descaling of other forged rotating parts (camshafts etc.) and desanding of cast parts. They can flexibly fit your needs to incorporate: handling, plant size and flexibility, production output and quality, operating efficiency, and in-line integration requirements.

CRC Carousel Rotary Chamber Machines
CRC machines are used for process-safe desanding of cast parts or for descaling forged rotating parts. The automatic treatment of single workpieces is gentle and does not cause impact or shock damage.