HT Overhead Monorail Blast Cleaning Machine
Cleaning, Corrosion Removal, Deburring, Rust and Heat Scale Removal, Shot Peening
Foundry/ Forge
Key Benefits
Heavy duty, compact and rugged design for long service life
High blasting capacity and efficiency
Economical abrasive consumption, reliable cleaning and dust collection
A wide range of machine types for different production rates and workpieces
- Easy integration into existing production lines with a variety of options for step-by-step extension and automation (modular design)
- Long life due to use of highly wear resistant material
- High operational safety, low maintenance and maintenance-friendly design (easy access to maintenance areas, external bearings, easily replaceable wear parts)
- High sand separation capacity with combined magnetic and air-wash separation
- Desanding, decoring and final blast cleaning of iron, steel and light metal castings, including parts susceptible to breakage and impact damage
- Descaling of forgings, hardened or heat treated steel parts
- Derusting, roughening, finishing
- Shot peening
- Suitable for two- or three-shift operation
Accomplishing Blast Cleaning Tasks and Solving Transport Problems at the Same Time
Proven Solutions
The basic series comprises machine modules of different sizes equipped with 2, 3, 4 and more blast wheels. Depending on the dimensions of the parts to be cleaned and the output required, it is possible to connect several machine modules in series. The concept covers machines for reversible or for through-feed operation. For processing large parts, inlet and outlet vestibules can be provided. The unique blast wheel arrangement ensures that all faces of components, even with undercut walls and surfaces, can be cleaned in one passage.
Standard Machine Modules
HTR Hanger type shot blast system, reversible operation
HTT Hanger type shot blast system, through-feed operation
HTC Hanger type shot blast system, combination of through-feed operation and rotation movement
Overhead Monorail Systems
Overhead monorail systems accomplish blast cleaning tasks while at the same time solving handling problems to benefit the overall production process. Rails, switch points and crossings permit the material flow to any further operation. Routing changes or extensions can be implemented without great expenditure.
The transport hanger is loaded outside the machine by hand, forklift, crane, lifting gear or robot and then moves into the shot blast cabin where all surfaces of the workpieces are treated in one passage.
Reversible or Through-feed Operation
In the blasting zone the hanger is rotated and oscillated using a drive unit. Reversing operation (clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation) is available as an additional mode. This mode of operation allows shot blasting at different angles to the workpiece to avoid blast shadows.
Loop Principle
For parts susceptible to impact damage, several passes can be made through the shot blast machine by using loops, exposing a different workpiece surface on each pass.

Standard Hanger Systems
The shape and design of the hangers depends on the parts to be cleaned and the task to be performed. The range of possible solutions cover:
- Manually actuated hangers
- Hangers driven by chain conveyors
- Motor-driven automatic hangers
Manually Actuated Hangers
For small series and unit weights of up to 2000 kg, manually actuated hangers can be used. Electric driven systems with lifting gear for loads up to 20 000 kg (30 000 kg, special design) can be designed upon request.
Hangers Driven by Chain Conveyors
Chain conveyors offer a variety of extension possibilities and are suitable for companies processing small to medium-size parts.
- Power and Free systems; with individual rail layouts for loads of up to 10 000 kg perhanger
- Circular conveyor systems with connector chains for intermittent or through-feed operation, for loads up to 10 000 kg
Motor-driven Automatic Hangers
Motor-driven automatic hangers are suitable for small, medium and large-size parts.
- Electric overhead monorails with automatic drive mechanisms for loads up to 10 000 kg
Crane and Transfer Systems
Loading and unloading areas can be perfectly adapted to local conditions. To control the direction, the hangers travel in a system of switch points, sluices, lifting and lowering elements are integrated into the overall monorail system.
- Monorail crane systems with lifting gear, for loads up to 50 000 kg
- Crane systems with lifting gear, for practically unlimited loads

Universal Blast Wheel
The blast wheel is the heart of the blasting machine, as the choice of blast wheel determines the power output and the economics.
This machine is fitted with U70x380 (direct drive) shot blast wheels as standard. The Wheels are highly flexible, compact and have rotation in both directions. They provide perfect blast cleaning results and highly convenient servicing features for all heavy duty and foundry applications.
The U Blast Wheels are high capacity blast wheels with maximum energy efficiency. Their rugged design means that maintenance is easy, and the special and highly wear resistant cast alloy liners ensure minimum wear and maximum service life of the blast wheel.
Technical Specifications
Min. envelope circle Ø (mm) | 1500 |
Min. hanger height (mm) | 2100 |
Number of blast wheels | 4 and more, extension in modular system |
Power per blast wheel (kW) | 15-55 |