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A major supplier of parts to the automotive industry, has reduced downtime at its forge through a complete overhaul of two Tilghman Tumblast machines.
Eine erfahrene Oberflächentechnikexpertin übernimmt unser globales Schleuderradgeschäft. Magda Höltke tritt die Nachfolge Heinrich Dropmanns am Schleuderrad-Technologiezentrum in Metelen an und wird als Senior Vice President Global Wheel vom Standort Metelen aus Innovation in der Schleuderradtechnik vorantreiben.
Based on a roller conveyor wheelblast design and specifically developed to meet the needs of the fabrication industry, our Plate and Structural Steel Machines are designed to descale and remove rust.
Peening specs haven’t changed but customer knowledge has. And who is better to advise on the evolving peening challenges than our own aerospace expert Ron Wright?
The new wheel achieves a clearly defined, even blast pattern and higher peak blast intensities at reduced abrasive flow rates.
An equipment upgrade carried out over a 48-hour holiday shut-down has enabled Winhere Auto-Part Manufacturing Co. Ltd to instantly deliver against increased output targets.
Our Wire Rod machines are designed to concentrate the blast descaling energy onto the workpiece using the latest technology and can be adjusted to suit individual workpiece diameters.
The new COMET HD blast wheel has been recognized by leading industry names after being shortlisted for BEEA and IET awards.
The biggest event of its kind in Asia, Wire China was the perfect opportunity to showcase our latest wire, rod and spring wheelblast equipment and spring peening machines.
We provide parts for Wheelabrator and non Wheelabrator air and wheel blast equipment