The shot blast experts at Wheelabrator recommended upgrading the blast wheels on the machines to powerful, easily adjustable Wheelabrator “Universal” U70X500 blast wheels with 30kW power each. The “U” wheel is a heavy-duty blast wheel and particularly suited to foundry and forge applications. It features a relatively compact design, high performance and high efficiency.
The low height of the wheel shaft of the U blast wheel means that, once installed on the old drum-type machines, there is sufficient clearance around the wheel to adjust the abrasive stream. This, as well as the ease and precision of setting the angle of impact, ensures optimum blast cleaning efficiency and minimizes wear on liners and machine.
The more precise and more powerful blast process has brought shot blast cycle time down from 15 to only 11 minutes, a reduction of more than 25%. Castings no longer have to be blast-cleaned a second time, maintenance requirements are reduced.